Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Book suggestion

What about Lorna Landvik's The Tall Pine Polka? After all, her Angry Housewives is the inspiration for our book club.


Relaxin' with Books said...

Sounds good to me. I will have to check it out. I love her writing. It might even have a guide for our first study/discussion.

Nsquared said...

Let me know. Can't wait to get started.

Relaxin' with Books said...

Emily is looking for it on-line as we "speak". I will find it on-line or at the bookstore. What time limit are we setting for ourselves?

Nsquared said...

Guess it really depends on how "easy" a read it is. And how fast we read....is one-two weeks long enough? We could pick a start date and then check in with how far we get every day or so. What do you think?

Relaxin' with Books said...

That is a good idea. Emily ordered it for me from Half.com so it may be a few days before it comes in. I wish it would come before this weekend. It is suppose to rain so I won't have to work on the Mt. Vernon house. Otherwise, I won't have a lot of spare time.

We could comment on each chapter. Do you think that would be too tedious?

Nsquared said...

depends on how long or short a chapter is I guess. There are reading group questions at the back of the book. Maybe we could read the book and pick the questions we'd like to discuss. we'll just have to try different ways of discussing the book...and find which fits us best. I can't wait to get started! Let me know when you get your copy...I promise not to read any of it until we both have books in hand.

Relaxin' with Books said...

Sounds good. Half.com has shipped the book. I will let you know when it gets here.