Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Next Book is......

We're branching out and trying Nobel prize winning literature this time! Our next read is Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It looks to be a thought provoking read though not an easy one. We can do it 'cause we're strong, proud and educated despite what some folks think!


Relaxin' with Books said...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez wonderfully describes the region and the characters in Love in the Time of Cholera. I imagine that the rhythm of the language would be much more beautiful in his native language than in English. This is quite a complicated love story.

Nsquared said...

I totally agree...his descriptions make me feels as if I'm there....feeling the heat of the region....smelling the smells....hearing the sounds. Its really quite enthralling. I'm not immersed in the love story yet but do feel the coming of complications. Can't wait.

Nsquared said...

Well, I finally finished it! I felt quite bogged down at first, with the language, with the explanations of all the different players, but I kept at it. Finally about 2/3 of the way through the story grabbed me. What began as a tail of sad desperation turned into a story of hope, at least for me. There is hope for love and passion even past the fiery times of our fleeting youth. Sometimes we take the wrong path,a detour so to speak, but eventually we end up at the destination we initially started toward. There are many twists and turns along the way but we'll get there. After reading this book, I don't know that I want to see the film.

Relaxin' with Books said...

I lost interest for a while. I found that this was not a book that you could read a page or two at a time. Sunday I picked it up and read until I finished it. Reading this book was like having someone tell you about their favorite book or movie. It was a good story but I am sure it was better before the translation. His love is so enduring that it is happy and sad at the same time. Does she finally reciprocate because she is lonely and alone, or because she realized that she had missed out on such a part of her life that could have been so beautiful? I am glad she has a chance to enjoy a life with him. I am also glad that she stands up to the negativity of her daughter.

I don't think this book fell into the category of relaxin', do you?