Monday, March 17, 2008

Time for a Biography

How about a change in genre? I thought we would try a biography this time. My choice is Leonardo The First Scientist by Michael White. This book focuses on Leonardo as a scientist instead of as an artist. I am not sure how the two can be separated in his case. I think this book will tie in nicely with the historical fiction that we have read. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Relaxin' with Books said...

Interesting - In the introduction, the author notes that you really cannot separate Leonardo, the artist from Leonardo, the scientist. Leonardo illustrated many of his medical and scientific investigations.

Nsquared said...

I'm enjoying our first foray into the biography genre. Of course, Leonardo is a fascinating subject. There are many things about his early life which I had not been aware of and which are interesting to contemplate with regards to his life both as an artist and as a scientist. This is not a book one can easily skim through however, with many details to be savored and enjoyed.

Relaxin' with Books said...

I have read about half the book now. I have found it a bit disconcerting that the author spends so much time talking about Leonard being a homosexual. So what! Move on. I am ready to get to the inventor/scientist/genius part of his personality.

I have enjoyed the background information that has built the scene for 15th century Florence and Italy. Lots of political and religious upheaval.

One more bone to pick - the author jumps around from one part of Leonardo's life to another and back again. I wish the timeline ran a little more linear and did not fold back on itself so often.

On to the next chapter. I am sure the Leonard that I am looking for is in there somewhere...

Nsquared said...

I totally agree with Relaxin'....get to the scientist already! Although I have enjoyed the tidbits of info about Leonardo's early life....I'm ready for the the nitty gritty without the speculation. Not to say it isn't a good read.....but I could care less if he was a homosexual or what Freud thought! Back to the book.....

Relaxin' with Books said...

I liked this book... and I didn't like it. The author repeated himself soooo many times that I felt the book could be half as long. I did get to the information I was looking for about Leonardo the scientist. It was not in an organized or sequential way. A timeline of Leonardo's life would have been a nice addition to some of the references included at the end.

If I had it to do over, I would look for another author on the same topic. Leonardo still fascinates me as an artist and a scientist.

Nsquared said...

Okay...I like biographies but maybe not by this particular writer. The information was interesting but there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the way it was presented. Leonardo is fascinating and I would like to know more. What is our next choice?