Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Catcher in the Rye

This classic by J.D. Salinger is about a teenager boy going through some very troubling times after the death of his brother. He had been kicked out of one prep school after another. After failing all of his subjects save one at Pencey Prep, he decides to leave school a few days before Christmas break because he isn't ready to face his parents. He goes to New York City and stays in a hotel instead of to his parent's apartment. He goes from bad to worse as he drinks his way through several days. After seeing his little sister, she convinces him to not run away from his problems but to stay and face them.

The Catcher in the Rye was a bit depressing. You could feel the boy's pain. It was difficult to read of his struggles. It was a good book but not neccessarily "enjoyable".

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