Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dedication by Emma McLaughlin

Dedication Dedication by Emma McLaughlin

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I listened to this audio book on the way to and from work. I have to say - don't bother unless you have nothing else to do. When the story begins, you really have a lot of emphathy for the main character - Kate. She was dumped by her boyfriend in her senior year of high school. The boyfriend leaves town without telling her that he is leaving, and subsequently becomes a famous rock star. Kate needs to resolve her feelings for him. The storyline goes down from there.

I don't want to give away too much of the storyline but Kate strays so far from the way she feels about him and what he did to her emotionally that I was really disappointed in the turn the story takes. Save this book for snow days when you have run out of reading material, or hurricane days as we have in the south.

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