Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review: White Apples

White ApplesWhite Apples by Jonathan Carroll

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this book! Vincent is a character that I didn't really like at the beginning of the story. He is a smooth operator with the women - but he really seems to love them all in the moment. Vincent is divorced with two children. He left his wife for his great love Isabelle. Isabelle disappears soon after Vincent leaves his wife and he is bewildered. The story is woven around Vincent losing his life and coming back. Then he is reunited with Isabelle and things just get more and more surreal.

This author is compared with Phillip K. Dick and Neil Gaiman. If you like science fiction on the very edge of believability, you will enjoy Carroll. I will definitely be looking up more of Jonathan Carroll's work.

View all my reviews

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